Joke Battles Wikia

Itachi sitting on the Iron Throne after soloing fiction


Itachi is the soloking, he will solo your verse and cannot lose to anyone without a Mangekyou Sharingan.

Powers and Stats

Tier: -1

Name: Itachi Uchiha/God/Solomaster/Soloking

Origin: Naruto wank

Gender: Male

Age: 10 + 9 = 21

Classification: Beyond Gods, Fiction Killer

Powers and Abilities: Nigh-Omnipotence, Nigh-Omniscience, Nigh-Omnipresence, Totsuka Blade Solos Manipulation, Mind Manipulation and seeing through panties vision (Saw a dick once when he did it, almost got killed)

Attack Potency: Beyond Boundless (With Totsuka Blade, which instantly seals anything it hits. Totsuka Blade solos)

Speed: Instant (His jutsu was stated to reach this speed)

Lifting Strength: Lifts his Totsuka Blade.

Striking Strength: Strike with the force to cut through and seal anything.

Durability: Irrelevant (Yata Mirror counters and negates all attacks, regardless of how powerful that attack may be. Can only be defeated by opponents who possess a Mangekyou Sharingan)

Stamina: Irrelevant but it doesn't really matter because he ends all fight with 1 strike m8.

Range: Infinite

Standard Equipment: Sword, Sharingan

Intelligence: Itachiscience (Smarter than Orochimaru and Sasuke)

Weaknesses: Onions, Looking at the wrong women with his vision (Homu Homu), Uchiha Sasuke, Konohagakure, Candice and Cooking eggs

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Hax: Itachi is the definition of hax, which means you can't even get more hax. In fact it's because he's so hax he never loses that they entitled him that.



Notable Victories:

Everyone who doesn't have a Mangekyō Sharingan

Notable Losses:

Joshua from Wii Sports


Homu Homu (Guess who's dick Itachi saw with his See through Panties vision?)


Goku Black (CANON)

Inconclusive Matches:
